To take part in training sessions gymnasts are encouraged to wear a leotard (club leotards are available to purchase for both boys and girls) although shorts and a t-shirt are acceptable. Shoes and socks must also be removed. Jumpers, leggings and jogging bottoms are permitted during the warm up (in the colder months of the year) but must be removed prior to performing skills.
Gymnasts may be asked by coaches to take part in competitions, and if representing KGC, must wear a club leotard. Leotards and tracksuits can be purchased from our Merchandise page. Competition fees and payment for uniforms can be paid directly into the KGC bank account.
Safety of gymnasts is our top priority, and to help us maintain our safe, friendly, happy environment, we ask that gymnasts and their parents/guardians adhere to the following rules:
Gymnasts must arrive on time in order to complete a full warm-up
Gymnasts must be appropriately dressed
No jewellery is to be worn
Long hair must be tied back
No eating/chewing
Bad behaviour and bullying will not be tolerated
Gymnasts must be collected from the gym and must not leave without permission from a coach
Please see the codes of conduct for gymnasts and for parents/carers on the document page for more detailed information.
All coaches undergo training with Scottish Gymnastics, not only on gymnastic skills, but on child protection, first aid and much more. Click here for more details on the coaches.
If you would like to become a member of Kirkcaldy Gymnastics Club, then please get in touch.